
Beth Hoinacki, along with her family, owns and operates Goodfoot Farm in the Coastal foothills of Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Goodfoot Farm is a small, diversified market farm whose mission is to provide unconventionally grown food for the local community. The farm takes a systems approach in an effort to balance food production with responsibility for the local forest, field, and river life and with the health of the planet. The farm is certified organic and Demeter certified Biodynamic® and works hard to minimize the use of off-farm and petroleum dependent inputs. Rather, the farm practices a method of regenerative agriculture that strives to emulate a natural system. Fundamental to the success of the production system is the integration of animals for fertility and weed management, the selection of crops and cultivars for pest and disease control and the practice of “farmscaping,” which provides habitat for native pollinators and natural predators of pests. Along with growing food for people, Beth engages in on-farm research with scientists from Oregon State University to evaluate crop varieties for agronomic and culinary traits within organic production systems. She also collaborates with the OSU Center for Small Farms and Community Food Systems to identify areas for program development and support for small farmers. Beth received her BA in biology, with a minor in religion, from Earlham College and her PhD in botany and plant pathology from Oregon State University.