Learn to build the Sun Hive out of natural materials

Since the very beginning, Spikenard has not only worked with traditional hive types, but has designed and worked with hives that support the vitality and health of the honeybee by utilizing natural materials with high insulation value and forms that approach roundness. In this workshop we will demonstrate how to build a sun hive. Participants will learn how to make the paste that covers the outside of the basket.

This hands-on hive-building in groups will be accompanied by lectures related to hive scent, warmth, wax, form, and hive-body materials. In this workshop, participants will gain the practical experience how to build the sun hive. Beginning beekeeping topics will not be covered in this workshop!

This workshop is limited to 20 participants.

Presenters: Gunther Hauk, Alex Tuchman, Vivian Struve-Hauk

Event Details
East Coast
Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary Floyd , VA
10/11/2019 to 10/12/2019