With so much interest in growing food in our own back and front yards, balconies, patios, community gardens, and homesteads, we want to help get you started or deepen your understanding of biodynamic gardening.
Since our founding in 1938, the Biodynamic Association has been made up of members who are gardeners, farmers, and eaters with all levels of experience and understanding of biodynamics. Your own garden is a wonderful place to practice biodynamics, and through the years many BDA members have shared their wisdom about how biodynamics can be integrated at a small scale.
Through this page, we are happy to share both current and historical articles and videos to help you learn and grow in your biodynamic gardening journey. We will be adding to these resources regularly, so check back often and sign up for our e-news to find out about new information.
Videos & Webinar Recordings
Biodynamic Agriculture: Farming in Service of Life
By Kiss the Ground

Microdynamics I: Planning Your Biodynamic Garden
Webinar with Stewart Lundy
Recorded on March 31, 2020
Microdynamics II: Scaling Biodynamics to Fit Your Needs
Webinar with Stewart Lundy
Recorded on April 14, 2020
Microdynamics III: Planting, Tending, and Harvesting by the Moon with the Biodynamic Calendar
Webinar with Stewart Lundy
Recorded on April 28, 2020
Microdynamics IV: Managing Pests and Diseases with Biodynamics
Webinar with Stewart Lundy
Recorded on May 19, 2020
Introduction to Biodynamic Gardening Video Series
The Biodynamic Gardening Club, a program of the Biodynamic Association in the UK, has produced a set of five short videos (link is external) that introduce how to get started on mindful biodynamic gardening and growing at home. Find out more about planting calendars, the prepartions, compost, mindfulness, and more through this series (link is external), available on YouTube.
Biodynamics Journal Articles
Browse historical Biodynamics journal articles
In publication since 1941, the Biodynamics journal provides a thoughtful and diverse collection of news, information, and stories. It is a benefit of membership in the Biodynamic Association.
You can join now on a sliding scale starting at just $5 to receive immediate online access to the four most recent issues, plus many other benefits.
More articles will be added each week.
The Biological Role of the Earthworm, Ehrenfried Pfeiffer (No. 5a, Winter 1942-43)
The Gardener’s Year: Summer, by The Editors (No. 17, Summer 1949)
The Vegetable Garden, Ehrenfried Pfeiffer (No. 30, Spring 1953)
Planning for the Home Vegetable Garden, Evelyn Speiden (No. 34, Summer 1954)
Successful Biodynamic Gardening, Heinz Grotzke (No. 48, Fall 1958)
Instructions for Building a Compost Pile with the BD Compost Starter (No. 58, Summer 1961)
My Way to Look at Chickens, Ingrid S. Buchinger (No. 90, Spring 1969)
Stinging Nettle (Urtica Doica): The Helper and Healer in My Garden, Anita Linder (No. 105, Winter 1973)
The Carrot, by Joel Morrow (No. 152, Fall 1984)
Seasonal Vegetable Fare from Garden to Table, by Louise Frazier (No. 191, Jan/Feb 1994)
Complements of the Season: Greens Herbs and Edible Flowers, Louise Frazier (No. 194 July/Aug 1994)
Using Biodynamic Preparations in the Backyard or Apartment Balcony Garden, by Johann Kleinsasser (No. 204, March/April 1996)
Leading The Child To Love The World: How Do We Relate The Practical Work Of The Garden
To The Growing Child?, by Ronni Sands (No. 205, May/June 1996)
A Gardening Journey: Horticulture in the Waldorf Curriculum, by Ron Krupp (No. 253, Summer 2005)
Transforming Gardens, Transforming Self, Valerie Brown (No. 253, Summer 2005)
Apitherapy Bee Gardens — Exploring a Paradigm for Bee-Centric Healing Centers, Priscilla Coe (No. 256 Spring 2006)
Discover More
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