
Event Description

The regenerative potency of biodynamic land stewardship provides a tremendous opportunity for healing and restoration - Lord knows, this is especially important in these momentous times! Join author, leadership advisor, and multicultural ceremonialist, Aaron William Perry, for a special three-day experience in which the humble healing power of biodynamic soil activation, and its applications to climate stabilization, ecological detoxification, community healing, and personal transformation will be explored in a sacred manner. You will be entrusted and empowered with sacred knowledge, and will receive special tools and techniques rooted in Biodynamic, Rosicrucian, Kabbalistic, Indigenous European and Native American wisdom, and developed by the Y on Earth Community to share, spread, and scale-up in your own community.

Day 1: Soil & Water – Memory & Intelligence - INITIATION & GNOSIS

Day 2: Regeneration – Sacred Stewardship - SACRED COVENANT

Day 3: Community Mobilization – Will & Wisdom - VERIDITAS IN ACTION



Workshop Session B