
Viernes, Noviembre 16, 2018



Event Description

In 2016 biodynamic agriculture was introduced to the Kenyan smallholder tea and coffee farmers by the Organic Agriculture Center of Kenya (OACK), with support from Demeter International and the GLS Treuhand. The trainers have been Anne and Rolf Bucher from Germany. Farmers viewed biodynamic farming as rescuing them from the day-to-day challenges they face as a result of industrial farming, which has caused anxiety and uncertainty, leaving communities more vulnerable, as everything has become commercialized and inauthentic. They understood, for instance, that beyond eliminating chemicals on their farms, as with organic farming, they can also look at farming as a more comprehensive and interconnected activity. This comes with a broad and attractive possible opportunity for better markets due to improved quality in taste and vitality, as well as yields. Special emphasis was on farm organization — diversity and interconnectivity of all parts, composting, natural pest control, water efficiency, cropping, and bringing seeds back into farmers’ hands, hearts, and minds. This is just but the beginning of a new era in Kenya in which biodynamic agriculture will be instrumental in harmonizing traditional technical knowledge with best practices and interconnectivity of all parts of the universe. Supporting the development of biodynamic agriculture in Kenya and the rest of Africa is a sure way of improving the status and dignity of African farmers, consumers, and landscapes.



Workshop Session B