
Domingo, Noviembre 18, 2018



Event Description

Indigenous Traditional Knowledge-based practices for land, water, and traditional foods are critical to the revitalization of food sovereignty for Indigenous communities and are central to healing from the long-term effects of historical trauma. We recognize the cultural significance and value of connection with the land to heal and build community health and resilience: First Foods and Plant Medicines are essential to restore and reclaim physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Reclaiming the urban forest for food, medicine, ceremony, and healthy lifeways has found a timely synergy with numerous agencies and community partners working in culturally responsible restoration, education, reclamation, and protection practices, as well as informing holistic/adaptive land management and policies. With an emphasis on long-term relationship building and prioritizing the collaborative processes, these partnerships acknowledge the interdependence of People and Place so crucial for revitalizing healthy communities and healthy lands.

This presentation highlights several collaborative projects and partnerships, including the PSU Indigenous Nations Studies Program, Portland Parks, Metro, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and Native communities, both urban and tribal. These key practices are part of the larger Indigenous Resurgence movement occurring nationally and internationally.

An herbal tea will be served.