
Stephanie Leon Riedl (Sts’ailes & Musqueam, First Nations) is the Indigenous Foods Program Coordinator at Na’ah Illahee Fund, based in Seattle. Stephanie received a Bachelor of Arts in American Indian studies from the University of Washington (with a minor in diversity/disability studies), and earned a Permaculture Design Certificate from Oregon State University. Stephanie has worked in King County schools to implement peer-to-peer crisis intervention education, has facilitated digital storytelling projects with Neah Bay and Makah youth through the UW Pipeline Program, has participated in Indigenous food garden health research in New Zealand as part of the 2015 Māhina International Indigenous Health Research Training Program, and is a Bonderman fellow. Stephanie’s research and practice interests include strengthening channels of mental health support for Indigenous young people, with an emphasis on youth empowerment, social justice, and indigenous cultural resurgence.