Biodynamics in Movement

The art of eurythmy is a way we can ground the spiritual foundations of biodynamic agriculture through human experience. Eurythmy is a movement art born out of the same invisible and visible life forces that have shaped and continue to inform biodynamic agriculture. Pfeiffer Center's Mac Mead and Megan Durney, along with Eurythmy Spring Valley's Sea-Anna Vasilas, will explore overarching themes from Rudolf Steiner's Agriculture Course, such as the four elements and four kingdoms, polarities (inner and outer planets, cosmic and earthly), and plant metamorphosis.

Event Type: 
pre-conference workshop

Core Principles and Practices of Making and Using All of the Preparations

This workshop will provide a complete introduction to the nine biodynamic preparations. 1. Stuffing manure in cow horns and stirring the finished preparation 2. Grinding quartz crystals and packing a cow horn 3. Stuffing a stag's bladder with yarrow flowers and showing one that's been hanging all summer 4. Stuffing intestines with chamomile flowers and making a few "sausages" 5. Rehydrating stinging nettle, packing it into clay tiles and covering with a screen 6. Grinding oak bark and explaining how it is put in the skull (using a dry skull for the demonstration) 7.

Event Type: 
pre-conference workshop