Life with the Cow: An Offering of Love

A webinar with Laura Riccardi Lyvers

April 25, 2024

7:00-9:00 pm EDT

To get to live closely with cows is a gift.  Beyond all we receive in milk, meat and fertility, there is in their presence — on the land, and with one another — a sense of the sacred. 

In this session we will lean heavily on the “art form” and more lightly on the technical as we explore the practical, spiritual and intimate experience of caring for the cow.

Appropriate for farmers, homesteaders, or even those who have never been around a cow. 

Laura has been living with cows since 2001.  As a biodynamic preparation maker, on a grass-fed beef farm and ultimately with her small dairy herd, she has found herself on a path of devotion with the cow.  Her love and learning of grasses and grazing is a joyous element in caring for the herd. Laura lives on her husband’s family farm in Loretto, Kentucky.