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Seeking Farm Partners — Meadowlark Hearth Farm and Living Environment Foundations, NE

Meadowlark Hearth Farm and Living Environment Foundation are looking for farm partners who are experienced who are interested in joining the team to take the meadowlark hearth farm work into the future: must have an avid interest in whole farming, professional seed growing, animals, the joy and hard work of the human being in the context of community.  A plus to have experience in professional farming and seed growing, Biodynamic approach and bettering the plight of the world....passion for the above is essential.  Working toward the Threefolding efforts as described by Rudolf Steine


We are a family of 3 and are developping a Biodynamic & Self-sustaining Farming project on one of the islands of the Cook Islands (Rarotonga, Aitutaki, Atiu, Mangaia). The project has been reviewed favorably by the Ministry of Agriculture. Their goal is to develop agriculture self-sufficiency in the island-group between 2021 and 2030. We are approaching phase 2 which is the funding. The project calls for a capital investment of $5,000.000.00 (five million US dollars).

Looking for Farming land to Rent with Housing

     We would like to grow flowers, veggies, culinary herbs and other food crops. Rustic and Off-grid is fine. We have pictures of previous gardens. We have experience with dry gardening and efficient water usage. Cabin, cottage, yurt, efficient house with garden/farm space. $800-1800, We will consider partial work trade or care taking as well.
 References are available. We have land experience includes land clean-up, wood cutting & stacking, orchard care, garden building, seed starting and more! :)
Thank You!

Biodynamic Homestead Opportunity

Hello, I am a Rudolf Steiner alumna with a PhD in Psychology and Education. I recently completed a Biodynamic certification course, and am working on starting a biodynamic homestead in California. This project entails growing food for our family and community, while documenting the process on multiple social media platforms to educate others on alternative ways of living. I am reaching out in search of land to lease/purchase and connect with others who would like to be part of this exciting opportunity. Look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Walberg