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Local Agriculture Market Program - Funding Opportunities through the Agricultural Marketing Service

The Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) supports the development, coordination, and expansion of direct producer-to-consumer marketing; local and regional food markets and enterprises; and value-added agricultural products. The primary goals of LAMP are to:  

healing bees

Hi, I want to start keeping bees but it's very difficult to find unmedicated bees in my region. I'm familiar with homeopathy/agrohomeopathy but so far have found little guidance there about acquiring "regular" bees which have been exposed to toxic chemicals and conditions, and helping them heal and thrive in more natural conditions. Has anyone worked with this? Thanks so much. 

Certified Biodynamic Farmers Needed who are willing to grow seeds for Turtle Tree Biodynamic Seed

We're looking for more certified Biodynamic farms where seed growing can be added to the farm rhythm. This can be as simple as growing one crop that fits in with the rhythm of your CSA, or as broad as growing many crops grown as part of your farm biological diversity and income plan.

Livestock & Poultry Farmers: Apply for a Fund-a-Farmer Grant from FACT

Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) is now accepting Fund-a-Farmer Grant applications. Grants of up to $3,000 are available for livestock and poultry farmers to improve and expand pasture for their animals, as well as those who are seeking or who already hold one of three animal welfare certifications. The application deadline is January 10, 2023. Learn more and apply online at

Certification Program - Ecological Farming and Farm to Table Lifestyle and Food Preparation

The Tres Estrellas “Soil-to-Table Certification Program” is a 4-week residential program that provides training in small-scale ecological farming, farm-to-table cooking and self-reliance. Participants live, learn and work at the scenic 6-acre Tres Estrellas Organic Farm and Garden located in Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, one hour south of San Diego, CA. The permaculture influenced farm elegantly incorporates organic, biointensive fruit and vegetable production, agroforestry, agrobiodiversity conservation and animal husbandry to create an idyllic example of ecological agriculture.

Foundation Course in Goethean Science with The Nature Institute — now open for applications

Encountering Nature and the Nature of Things

2022-2023 Course — Open for Applications until Feb. 1, 2022

March 1 — June, 2022: nonresidential introductory guided study
June 20 — July 2, 2022: first residential intensive
August, 2022 — June, 2023: nonresidential guided study and independent research project
June 19 — July 1, 2023: concluding residential intensive