
Thursday, November 21, 2019


Hawthorne Valley Farm

Event Description

This field day is hosted by the Institute for Mindful Agriculture. Our focus will be on describing our efforts over the years of “social soil building” in conjunction with the direct agricultural work. The day will begin at Hawthorne Valley Farm. We will have a tour of the farm and campus and then describe in more detail the history of the CSA, our internal food value chain, and the evolution of our management structure. Before we’ll travel to Hudson, NY we’ll have lunch at our Farmstore. In Hudson, we will visit Farm Ferments (a pioneering fermented vegetable production at scale) and the Rolling Grocer 19 (a new and innovative food equity project to benefit farmers and consumers in Columbia County). Both projects are collaborations that originated with Hawthorne Valley and attempt to address two of the most important challenges facing Biodynamics today. How do we answer the calls for food justice and how can we bring Biodynamics to scale responsibly? During the bus ride back to Lake George we will continue to share reflections, impressions and questions.

Lunch is not included with any field day. Please either purchase a lunch option in Step 6 of registration or make other arrangements.

Travel Time: Please note that travel time for this field day, from the conference center, will be approximately 2 hours each way via bus. Please plan on arriving to the bus departure point at 7:30 am (after registering) to ensure a smooth check-in process. If you plan on driving to the field day in your own vehicle please contact Raphael at to coordinate.

Photo credit: Hawthorne Valley Association