Connecting the Sacred in Agriculture to a Moral Economy

Biodynamic Beekeeping

This workshop will delve into an exploration of the needs and nature of the honeybee from the perspective of biodynamic beekeeping. Through beekeeping methods that honor the wisdom and instincts of the honeybees we arrive at the great need to transform the land surrounding the bees into a place of nourishment and vitality. Biodynamically managed land has the potential to offer the honeybees a sanctuary where they can heal, grow, and eventually thrive.

Event Type: 
pre-conference workshop
Santa Fe Convention Center


Alex Tuchman Gunther Hauk

Agricultural Astronomy

The rhythms of the Sun and the Moon can be seen as the source of many of the evolving patterns in natural systems. To study these rhythms can seem difficult to those who work the land and are immersed in such complex relationships in time and space. This workshop will address the most fundamental Sun and Moon rhythms that can serve as a sound methodology for those who work in nature.  

Event Type: 
pre-conference workshop
Santa Fe Convention Center


Dennis Klocek

Agricultura Biodinámica, enlazando el continente Americano/ Biodynamics Bridging the Americas

Este taller pre-conferencia proporcionará un espacio para las personas del continente americano, en el cual podrán conocer, conectarse y aprender de la agricultura biodinámica. En la actividad, tendremos invitados especiales que nos visitan de diferentes puntos del continente (Sur, Centro, Norte y Caribe), algunas de estas personas compartirán su experiencia e historias personales.

Event Type: 
pre-conference workshop
Santa Fe Convention Center Santa Fe


Bruno Follador Danilo Solano Eduardo Rincon Matias Baker Osiris Abrego Plata Sarah Weber Thomas Spaulding