Welcome to the Biodynamic Youth Education online group! Please introduce yourself to the group sharing your name, where you are from and the work you do. What are your interests, passions, and skills in relation to biodynamics and youth education?


s.hoskin@xtra.co.nz said:

Hi team, I am Su Hoskin. I live in Wanaka amid the mountains and lakes of the South Island of New Zealand.

For the past fifteen years I have been studying and practicing biodynamics on vineyards, home gardens and on a mixed farm. 

A colleague and I set up a charitable trust and manage a discussion group here offering workshops and seminars locally. 

In 2012 I facilitated an adult education course; Organic and Biodynamic agriculture and horticulture, and  Co- organised the annual BD conference in 2018. 

Having finished my three year term on the NZ BDA, I am now hoping to offer regional education through hands on demonstrations and webinar presentations.

I am currently volunteering with the Hawea Food Forest and allotments, where we invite community and school groups to take part and learn gardening and growing skills, worm farming, composting and the importance of food nutrition, food soverignty and resilience. 

I don't have much experience with youth, but feel they are an important factor in shaping the future and we are theirs.

I feel strongly about the level of happiness that comes with working on the land, values which aren't often taken into consideration when  life skills are being considered for young people. 

looking forward to sharing in more conversation.

Well wishes.

ppfarminfo said:

Hi I’m pat Frazier. I’m interested in developing curriculum for my involvement as the gardening teacher for our Waldorf inspired public school in Paonia,CO. Grades are k-6. Approximately 70 enrolled. The school is a challenging ace to provide gardening classes as it is very institutional. There are some raised beds. No greenhouse as yet but planned and no on site summer staff. I’m a bd farmer in the community so I’m coming from a farm environment to a grass lawn with fencing and playground equipment to work around. Help!!!!


victrolala replied:

Hello: The Hartsbrook school may be of support. They have done extensive work to develop age appropriate anthroposophical-based curriculum. 

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