Oregon Small Farms Conference

Oregon State University Campus in Corvallis at the LaSells Stewart Center and CH2M Hill Alumni Center

Registration will open for the Feb. 24, 2018 conference in mid-December 2017

The Oregon Small Farms Conference is a daylong event geared toward farmers, agricultural professionals, food policy advocates, students and managers of farmers markets.  Twenty-seven educational sessions are offered on a variety of topics relevant to the Oregon small farmers and include a track in Spanish. Speakers include farmers, OSU Extension faculty, agribusiness, and more.

Pricing Info For 2018:

  • Early Bird Registration between Dec 22-Feb 2: $50
  • Register between Feb 3-Feb 13: $75
  • Register on-site (day of event): $150 (subject to availability)

Biodynamic Tracks at OSU
Session 1:  Introduction to Biodynamic Agriculture
Presenters:  Thea Maria Carlson, Biodynamic Association and Marjory House, Oregon BD Group and
Biodynamic agriculture is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to crop production that
views the farm as a living organism:  self-contained and self-sustaining, responsible for creating and
maintaining its individual health and vitality. Biodynamic agriculture was founded on a series of lectures
presented in 1924 by Dr. Rudolf Steiner and has been practiced for nearly a century on every continent
on earth. In this session, presenters will cover the history of biodynamics and what biodynamic
agriculture is in principle and practice. They will also address the current biodynamic movement and
available resources on both national and regional levels.
Session 2:  Demeter Certification to the Biodynamic Standard
Presenters:  Jim Fullmer, Demeter Association and Javier Fernandez-Salvador, OSU
The number of biodynamic products in the marketplace is small but growing. For many seeking to
practice and support a more sustainable, regenerative agriculture, biodynamics is the next logical step.
In order to label products as Biodynamic®, they must be certified. The Demeter Biodynamic® Standard
for certification was established in 1928 and is managed worldwide by Demeter International and in the
US by Demeter USA. Beyond organic certification, the Demeter Biodynamic Standards reflect a
commitment to regenerative agriculture and product integrity to help carry out the organization’s
mission, “healing the planet through agriculture.” In this session Demeter USA Executive Director and
biodynamic farmer Jim Fullmer will explain the requirements for biodynamic certification and how they
differ from organic certification.
Session 3:  Biodynamics in Practice on Oregon Farms
Presenters:  Beth Hoinacki, Goodfoot Farm; Wali Via, Winter Green Farm; Marjory House, Kizer Creek
Farm; Lili Tova, Flying Coyote Farm; Jim Fullmer, Hoskins Berry Farm
A biodynamic farm or garden is viewed as an integrated, whole, living organism. This organism is made
up of many interdependent elements and biodynamic farmers and gardeners work to nurture and
harmonize these elements, managing them in a holistic and dynamic way to support the health and
vitality of the whole. In this session a panel of growers shares their practice of biodynamics as it relates
to their individual farm organism. Growers will cover what biodynamics means to them, the challenges
and benefits of practicing biodynamics, and whether or not they choose to certify. A variety of crops
will be covered including vegetables, berries and fruit, and livestock and seed crops. Time will be
allocated in this session for audience questions.

Event Details
West Coast
Community Event
LaSells Stewart Center and CH2M Hill Alumni Center Corvallis , OR