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Seeking Field Operator for organic farm

Job Title: Field Operator

Overview of Farm

Turtle Creek Gardens (TCG) is a certified organic vegetable operation which markets through CSA, direct to stores and restaurants, an online farm store, and farmer’s market. We are a well-established farm with sound established markets. Located in Delavan, WI, TCG is a 100-acre diversified farm. Twenty acres are devoted to vegetable production and the remainder is for grazing. Currently, we work with our neighbor who manages some of our cattle with his herd in return for fertility we use on the farm.


Looking for a Garden Manager (Biodynamic/Huegelkultur)

Garden Manager  (Biodynamic/Huegelkultur)We are building a 1200-acre regenerative farm in the Florida Panhandle (Crestview, FL). Our cows, pigs, sheep, goats, and fowl create a rich, biodiverse environment for plants, wild animals, birds, insects, and pollinators. We aim to become a source of high-quality, nutrient-dense food while building a community of people who are passionate about health, animals, sustainability, biodiversity, and natural beauty.
