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Farm Worker - El Sagrado Farm, La Jara, CO

El Sagrado Farm in La Jara, CO is looking for a committed, hard-working long-term employee beginning April 1, 2023.

Job description includes all of the following:

•Sustainable Living-We are off the grid, biodynamic, regenerative, and certified organic.

•Field Crops-We flood irrigate, plant and bale/harvest 70 acres of alfalfa, and 15 acres of wheat and other grains. We use tractors and draft horses to farm these acres. The rest of our 320 acres is dryland pasture.


Seeking a Biodynamic farmer/teacher, intern director and shareholders in our community - Ecuador

We are a small Biodynamic farm community in the mountains of Southern Ecuador. Fifteen years ago we moved here from the States and found ourselves keepers of an ancient sacred site. Living in Ecuador has been a unique and inspiring experience for us. We have thrived, with a year long growing season that is neither to hot or cold, great neighbors and life is affordable. Our neighboring village of Vilcabamba, has an inspiring and innovative expats community.


GoldenRuleGardens Paid Internship Opportunities! - Northern CA

We are seeking three interns for the 2023 growing season! Join us on our small (2-3 acre), biodynamic farm located in Northern California and participate in all farming tasks from seed to harvest. We have a 45+ member CSA, and alongside growing veggies we make all of our own compost, BD preps, grow grains, and flowers. We also live in a semi-communal living setting in which we grow food for weekly communal meals, donations, and make value added goods. Located on a beautiful 5,000 acre ranch with access to a swimming lake and old growth redwood grove.



Apricot Lane Farms is a farm integrated within a reawakened ecosystem.  With a team that makes the seemingly impossible possible, the farm regeneratively grows more than 200 varieties of fruits and vegetables, and raises sheep’s, cows, pigs, chickens and ducks with care and respect while working in harmony (or a comfortable level of disharmony) within a dynamic ecosystem.  The farm is seeking a professional and experienced Orchard Manager.  Communication and teamwork are vital to this position. The candidate must be independent, motivated, and a self-starter.


Opportunities to Farm at Loch Arthur (south west Scotland)

Are you looking for a holistic, ecologically rewarding, mixed farming role where you’ll work productively alongside nature?

We have some rare opportunities to join - and lead - the farm team at Loch Arthur Community, near Dumfries. These roles have become available due to succession planning. There are several different roles that would suit individuals at different stages of their farming career. We would welcome application from individuals, couples or people who would like to work together.

A Person to Lead on our Farms
