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Seeking Farm Crew Members at Live Power Community Farm

Seeking farm crew members! Live Power Community Farm is a biodynamic farm with a rich history in beautiful Northern California. As well as a large vegetable garden, the farm is home to horses, cows, sheep, chickens, and pigs. We host frequent 3-4 day school class visits during the spring and fall, connecting children to the soil, the plants, the animals and the system that feeds hearts, minds, and bodies. The farm crew will participate full time in the daily running of the farm, learn how to care for the many animals and vegetable garden, and engage school children in farming life.

Apprentice at Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary

We are now accepting applications for the 2023 apprenticeship cohorts.

The Spikenard Apprenticeship is an experience-based opportunity to learn with the bees at our Honeybee Sanctuary. We are located on 41 acres in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains with 25-40 bee hives, many flower gardens, a vegetable patch, fields of blooming cover crops, orchard, woods, pastures and a little river. 

Apprenticeship at Hawthorne Valley Farm

One year Diversified Farming apprenticeship

Hawthorne Valley Farm is a diversified 900 acre Organic and Demeter certified Biodynamic Farm in upstate New York. Hawthorne Valley Farm is a part of the vibrant Hawthorne Valley Association, which additionally includes value-added food production, a natural foods store, Waldorf School and teacher training, educational outreach programs and ecological and social research programs.

GoldenRuleGardens Internship Still Accepting Inquiries!!! - Northern CA

We are seeking one more intern for the 2023 growing season! Join us on our small (2-3 acre), biodynamic farm located in Northern California and participate in all farming tasks from seed to harvest. We have a 45+ member CSA, and alongside growing veggies we make all of our own compost, BD preps, grow grains, and flowers. We also live in a semi-communal living setting in which we grow food for weekly communal meals, donations, and make value added goods. Located on a beautiful 5,000 acre ranch with access to a swimming lake and old growth redwood grove.

GoldenRuleGardens Internship

We are seeking one more intern for the 2023 growing season! Join us on our small (2-3 acre), biodynamic farm located in Northern California and participate in all farming tasks from seed to harvest. We have a 45+ member CSA, and alongside growing veggies we make all of our own compost, BD preps, grow grains, and flowers. We also live in a semi-communal living setting in which we grow food for weekly communal meals, donations, and make value added goods. Located on a beautiful 5,000 acre ranch with access to a swimming lake and old growth redwood grove.