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Blossom's Farm // Apprenticeship

Blossom’s Farm is a diversified, biodynamic farm organism committed to the regeneration and  healing of the land, the community and the self by integrating agriculture, education and art. 

We are located in Aromas, CA (35 minutes south of Santa Cruz) on 45 acres of which 5 acres are cultivated with medicinal herbs, food crops and flowers. The rest is oak woodlands and home of livestock such as small numbers of cattle, pigs and sheep. 

1 month experiential field course in ecological farming and farm to table lifestyle!

The Tres Estrellas “Soil-to-Table Certification Program” is a 4-week residential program that provides training in small-scale ecological farming, farm-to-table cooking and self-reliance. Participants live, learn and work at the scenic 6-acre, 35-year old Tres Estrellas Organic Farm and Garden located in Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, one hour south of San Diego, CA.

GoldenRuleGardens Internship

We are seeking one more intern for the 2022 growing season! Join us on our small (2-3 acre), biodynamic farm located in Northern California and participate in all farming tasks from seed to harvest. We have a 45+ member CSA, and alongside growing veggies we make all of our own compost, BD preps, grow grains, and flowers. We also live in a semi-communal living setting in which we grow food for weekly communal meals, donations, and make value added goods. Located on a beautiful 5,000 acre ranch with access to a swimming lake and old growth redwood grove.

Training Program in Mexico- Ecological Farming and Farm to Table Food Preparation

The Tres Estrellas “Soil-to-Table Certification Program” is a 4-week residential program that provides training in small-scale ecological farming, farm-to-table cooking and self-reliance. Participants live, learn and work at the scenic 6-acre, 35-year old Tres Estrellas Organic Farm and Garden located in Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, one hour south of San Diego, CA.

GoldenRuleGardens Internship Still Accepting Inquiries!!!

We are seeking up to 3 interns for the 2022 growing season! Join us on our small (2-3 acre), biodynamic farm located in Northern California and participate in all farming tasks from seed to harvest. We have a 45+ member CSA, and alongside growing veggies we make all of our own compost, BD preps, grow grains, and flowers. We also live in a semi-communal living setting in which we grow food for weekly communal meals, donations, and make value added goods. Located on a beautiful 5,000 acre ranch with access to a swimming lake and old growth redwood grove.