
In the woods at age seven, Jacqueline discovered a small stone chair and tiny clay pipe. From then on, she spent her childhood finding places where elementals showed presence on the land. She learned to communicate with plants and nature spirits, animals, and muses. The Elementals on her farm have, for many years, shared imagery and communications. As a biodynamic farmer, she sees the world from nature’s perspective.

Her book, Song of Increase: Listening to the Wisdom of Honeybees for Kinder Beekeeping and a Better World, explains how bees experience the sacred. She has been published in Biodynamics, Lilipoh, Home Orchard Society, and Natural Bee Husbandry, and has appeared in two documentaries: “Queen of the Sun,” and “Dancing with Thoreau.”

Through the USDA, she worked with rural farmers in Dominican Republic, using historic methods of apiculture. For the past few years, Jacqueline has presented annually at the Fairy Congress about the role of elementals and nature spirits in the biodynamic system. In 2017 she founded the nonprofit Preservation Beekeeping, where she promotes respectful ways for humans to interact with bees.

Jacqueline and her husband live on their Washington farm with orchards, gardens, greenhouses, a small forest, rich pastures, and wildflowers. The farm is haven for wildlife and nature spirits whose ongoing relationships are based on respect, love, and kindness, paths that open communication with the unseen realm and invite co-creative resonance that increases the divine energetics of holy land. Her book is published in English and French, as an audiobook, and soon in Dutch and Swedish. ( and