
Don Tipping has been farming Biodynamic seeds, tree fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs along with raising sheep, poultry, and other stock at Seven Seeds Farm in Southwest Oregon since 1997. Siskiyou Seeds is an on-farm retail organic seed company that breeds, trials, and produces much of the seed sold, with the remainder coming from other organic family farms in the Pacific Northwest. Don and Siskiyou Seeds are members of the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) and have contributed over 30 farm-bred varieties to the public domain through pledging them as Open Source. Seven Seed Farm hosts the five-day Seed Academy training at the farm in spring and fall and is active in other seed-freedom advocacy efforts throughout the region. Great effort has been spent exploring integrating permaculture and natural farming approaches into a biodynamic whole farm agro-ecosystem with seven ponds, gravity Keyline water systems, aquaculture, fire restoration eco-forestry, and education on these topics. To these ends — we are still learning